Spring tradeshow season has been busy for our team, and the month of May will be no different. We’re (almost) positive the snow and freezing temps are now behind us in the Northeast, so we’ll be hitting the road hard, including in our home state of Massachusetts, as well as in Connecticut, New York and New Jersey.
Topics: trade shows, CHP, cogeneration, Blog
Aegis Energy has been a leader in green technology for over 30 years and counting. How have we stayed at the forefront of the industry? By continually challenging ourselves to invent amazing. This year, that very sentiment is the theme of National Engineers Week, taking place February 17–23. A nod to our company and talented engineers? We’d like to think so.
Topics: national engineers week, engineers, CHP, Blog
January is the month where we make resolutions for the coming year and intend to do our best to keep them. January 10th also marks National Cut Your Energy Costs Day. Why not ring in the New Year by conducting an audit of your energy consumption and take the necessary steps to reduce your energy spend?
Topics: aegis energy services, combined heat and power, CHP, Energy Savings, cogeneration, Blog, national cut your energy costs day, cut your energy costs
The weather climate in America is changing. As a result, severe weather events like intense rain and snowstorms, flooding, dangerous heat, drought, storms, hurricanes and tornadoes are becoming more frequent and extreme. Burning fossil fuels—such as coal, oil and gas—releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Once released it traps heat, causing the Earth’s temperature to rise, which then changes wind, moisture and heat circulation patterns and leads to extreme weather events.
Topics: winter, CHP systems, combined heat and power, CHP, healthcare, PowerSync, Blog, winter weather, manufacturing
While it may not be as catchy as National Taco Day or National Boss’ Day, on November 15 we come together to celebrate America Recycles Day.
Topics: green energy, recycling, America Recycles Day, combined heat and power, CHP, Blog, sustainability
During National Energy Awareness Month, we wish to remind you that choosing to invest in a clean-energy solution such as Combined Heat and Power (CHP) doesn’t have to be scary!
Topics: combined heat and power, CHP, Blog, sustainability, energy efficiency
Topics: NYC, incentives, NYSERDA, CHP, Con Edison, Blog, BQDM, CHP Partnership
Jon Lewis, an Aegis Research and Development Mechanical Engineer, spends his day envisioning the future of CHP.
Topics: aegis energy services, energy-saving solutions, PEOPLE IN POWER, CHP, future technologies, Jon Lewis, Blog
Mark Cloutier is looking for a better way to do things.
As Director of Program Management for Aegis Energy, EDF Group he is charged with the task of coordinating the activities and resources across several departments in an effort to meet the needs of Aegis clients.
Topics: aegis energy services, energy costs, green energy, thermal energy, combined heat and power, CHP, Energy Savings, cogeneration, Blog, clean energy, annual energy savings
Khalima Bubuza, financial analyst for Aegis Energy, EDF Group’s PowerVestors division, is always looking for a challenge.
Topics: aegis energy services, Shared Savings, PEOPLE IN POWER, CHP, effieciency, Blog