Looking to collect some “extra credit” when it comes to your energy savings? If you want to get smart about your energy usage, join us in the Big Easy February 26–March 1 as we powder our beignets at CampusEnergy 2019.
Looking to collect some “extra credit” when it comes to your energy savings? If you want to get smart about your energy usage, join us in the Big Easy February 26–March 1 as we powder our beignets at CampusEnergy 2019.
Topics: educational institutions, Energy Savings, Blog, CampusEnergy, utility bills
If someone asked you to think of New York, chances are, even if you’ve never visited, you’ve seen enough of the city on television or in the movies to bring to mind visions of some of the landmarks like the Statue of Liberty or the Empire State Building, or the men and women in uniform who keep the residents and visitors safe.
Topics: island park fire department, NYC, Randall's Island, island park, Energy Savings, Blog, Yanmar, micro chp
January is the month where we make resolutions for the coming year and intend to do our best to keep them. January 10th also marks National Cut Your Energy Costs Day. Why not ring in the New Year by conducting an audit of your energy consumption and take the necessary steps to reduce your energy spend?
Topics: aegis energy services, combined heat and power, CHP, Energy Savings, cogeneration, Blog, national cut your energy costs day, cut your energy costs
BuildingsNY is the unique combination of an exhibition, no-cost accredited education, partnership opportunities and networking events. It is the single source, full product life-cycle solution to safely and cost-effectively operate your buildings.
Topics: combined heat and power, energy, Energy Savings, Blog, energy efficiency
It makes ‘cents’ that National Cut Your Energy Costs Day occurs in the beginning of the New Year—January 10, to be exact—when resolutions are either being planned or implemented. As a professional, we’d like for you to consider conducting an energy audit. After all, energy efficiency can mean the difference between dollars in your company’s pocket and dollars wasted.
Topics: 2018, national observation day, Energy Savings, Blog, energy efficiency, national cut your energy costs day, events
Mark Cloutier is looking for a better way to do things.
As Director of Program Management for Aegis Energy, EDF Group he is charged with the task of coordinating the activities and resources across several departments in an effort to meet the needs of Aegis clients.
Topics: aegis energy services, energy costs, green energy, thermal energy, combined heat and power, CHP, Energy Savings, cogeneration, Blog, clean energy, annual energy savings